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Learning Advanced First Aid for Extreme Violence

Our last class of the year as Advanced First Aid for Extreme Violence and it was attended by a great group of students wishing to prepare for the worst. As with most RD classes, several law enforcement officers were also in attendance.

This type of training is not easy to come by and is one reason why both citizens and professionals alike attend. The skills learned are invaluable. Students learned how to perform a BATH assessment, control severe bleeding, move injured people, use a nasal trumpet, apply a chest seal, and the proper course of action when faced with extreme violence among other things.

I've attended a lot of classes over the years and this was probably the best one that I've ever been to."

We're looking forward to hosting this class again in 2022 as we continue to develop the content with our partner Peaceful Warning Training Group. If you're ready to prepare for the worst and protect your family in the face of extreme violence, you can't pass this class up.

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